
Fuzzy Map

The FuzzyMap is a map whoses keys are transformed by a function before any read or write operation. This can often result in multiple keys being able to access the same resource.

const FuzzyMap = require('mnemonist/fuzzy-map');

Use case

Let’s say we want to store & query objects representing movies based on their lowercased title. One approach would be to create a JavaScript object & lowercase the correct movies’ property to use as key:

const movie = {
  name: 'Great Movie',
  year: 1999

const object = {};

// Let's insert our movie using the lowercased title as key
const key =;
object[key] = movie;

// Now, to query:
const query = 'great MoVie';

That’s it, you have understood the FuzzyMap. It’s just some sugar over a JavaScript Map that will transform the given keys using a custom function to perform this kind of operations easily.

const map = new FuzzyMap([
  // Hash function on add
  (movie) => movie.title.toLowerCase(),

  // Hash function on query
  (query) => query.toLowerCase(),

// FuzzyMaping several movies
map.add({title: 'Great movie', year: 1999});
map.add({title: 'Bad movie', year: 2001});

// Querying the index
map.get('bad Movie');
>>> {title: 'Bad movie', year: 2001}

map.get('boring movie');
>>> undefined

Note that if you need to store multiple values under a same key, you should probably check out the FuzzyMultiMap instead.


The FuzzyMap either takes a single argument being a hash function that will process both inserted items or keys & the queries; or a tuple containing two hash functions, one for the inserted items or keys and the second one for the queries.

Example with one hash function

// Let's create an map using a single hash function:
const map = new FuzzyMap((value) => value.toUpperCase());

// Then you'll probably use #.set to insert items
map.set(movie.title, movie);

Example with two hash functions

// Let's create an map using two different hash functions:
const map = new FuzzyMap([
  // Hash function for inserted items:
  movie => movie.title.toLowerCase(),

  // Hash function for queries
  (query) => query.toLowerCase(),

// Then you'll probably use #.add to insert items

Warning!: the map will not consider any falsy key processed by its hash functions.

const map = new FuzzyMap((item) => item.title && item.title.toLowerCase());

const movie = {year: 1999};

// This will not be indexed on `undefined`
map.set(movie.title, movie);

Static #.from

Alternatively, one can build a FuzzyMap from an arbitrary JavaScript iterable likewise:

const map = FuzzyMap.from(list, hashFunction [, useSet=false]);
const map = FuzzyMap.from(list, hashFunctions [, useSet=false]);







Number of items stored in the map.

const map = new FuzzyMap();
map.add({title: 'Hello World!'});

>>> 1


Computes the item’s key by hashing the given item using the relevant function then adds the item to the map using the key.


const map = new FuzzyMap();

map.add({title: 'Great movie', year: 1999});

// In fact, same as doing
const movie = {title: 'Great movie', year: 1999};
map.set(movie, movie);


Adds an item to the map using the provided key that will be processed by the relevant hash function.


const map = new FuzzyMap();
const movie = {title: 'Great movie', year: 1999};

map.set(movie.title, movie);


Completely clears the map of its items.

const map = new FuzzyMap();

>>> 0


Retrieves an item in the map using the provided key that will be processed by the relevant hash function.


const map = new FuzzyMap((string) => string.toLowerCase());
map.set('hello world', {name: 'hello world'});
map.get('Hello World');
>>> {name: 'hello world'}


Test whether the provided key, processed by the relevant hash function, would return an item.


const map = new FuzzyMap((string) => string.toLowerCase());
map.set('hello world', {name: 'hello world'});
map.has('Hello World');
>>> true


Iterates over the values stored in the map.

const map = new FuzzyMap((string) => string.toLowerCase());

map.set('Hello', {name: 'hello'});
map.set('World', {name: 'world'});

map.forEach((value) => {
>>> {name: 'hello'}
>>> {name: 'world'}


Creates an iterator over the map’s values.

const map = new FuzzyMap((string) => string.toLowerCase());

map.set('Hello', {name: 'hello'});
map.set('World', {name: 'world'});

const iterator = map.values();;
>>> {name: 'hello'}


Alternatively, you can iterate over an map’ values using ES2015 for...of protocol:

const map = new FuzzyMap((string) => string.toLowerCase());

map.set('Hello', {name: 'hello'});
map.set('World', {name: 'world'});

for (const value of map) {