
Generalized Suffix Array

A generalized suffix array is just a fancy name for a suffix array containing more than a single string.

Its main use is to be able to compute the longest common subsequence of the input strings in linear time, whereas a naive implementation would compute this information in quadratic time.

For more information about the Generalized Suffix Array, you can head here.

const { GeneralizedSuffixArray } = require('mnemonist/suffix-array');


The GeneralizedSuffixArray class simply takes an array of strings or an array of arbitrary arrays of string tokens as its only argument:

const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray([

// Also works with arbitrary sequences of tokens
const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray([
  ['the', 'cat', 'eats', 'the', 'mouse'],
  ['the', 'mouse', 'eats', 'cheese']

Note that if you pass an array of arbitrary arrays of tokens, computation time for the suffix array is approximately O(n log n), which is obviously slower than for a simple string.




The computed suffix array.

const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray(['banana', 'ananas']);
>>> [6, 5, 3, 1, 7, 9, 11, 0, 4, 2, 8, 10, 12]


The length of the array.

const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray(['banana', 'ananas']);
>>> 13


The number of elements stored.

const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray(['banana', 'ananas']);
>>> 2


Retrieves the longest common subsequence of the array.


const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray(['banana', 'ananas']);

>>> 'anana'
const suffixArray = new GeneralizedSuffixArray([
  ['the', 'cat', 'eats', 'the', 'mouse'],
  ['the', 'mouse', 'eats', 'cheese']

>>> ['the', 'mouse']