
Inverted Index

An InvertedIndex is an index that considers the inserted documents as a set of tokens that are all keys that one can use to retrieve the documents.

const InvertedIndex = require('mnemonist/inverted-index');

Use case

Usually, InvertedIndex are used to build full-text search engines.

Here is how it works:

  1. Transform the inserted document into a set of tokens.
  2. For each token, add an entry to an internal map with the key being the token & the value being the document.

Let’s see how we could search for documents using a very naive word tokenizer:

// The `words` function from lodash is pretty good, for instance
const words = require('lodash/words');

const documents = [
  'The mouse is a gentle animal',
  'The cats eats the mouse',
  'The mouse eats cheese'

// Creating our inverted index with our `words` tokenizer function
const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

// Now we can query it
>>> [
  'The mouse is a gentle animal',
  'The mouse eats cheese'

index.union('cats cheese');
>>> [
  'The cats eats the mouse',
  'The mouse eats cheese'


The InvertedIndex either takes a single argument being a tokenizer function that will process both inserted items or keys & the queries; or a tuple containing two tokenizer functions, one for the inserted items or keys and the second one for the queries.

Example with one tokenizer function

// Let's create an index using a single hash function:
const index = new InvertedIndex((value) => words(value));

index.add('The mouse likes cheese.');

Example with two tokenizer functions

// Let's create an index using two different hash functions:
const index = new InvertedIndex([
  // Tokenizer function for inserted documents:
  (doc) => words(doc.text),

  // Tokenizer function for queries
  (query) => words(query),

// Then you'll probably use #.add to insert items
index.add({text: 'The mouse likes cheese.'});

Static #.from

Alternatively, one can build an InvertedIndex from an arbitrary JavaScript iterable likewise:

const index = InvertedIndex.from(list, tokenizer);
const index = InvertedIndex.from(list, tokenizers);







Number of documents stored in the index.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');

>>> 1


Number of distinct tokens stored in the index (size of the dictionary, if you will).

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');

>>> 4


Tokenize the given document using the relevant function and adds it to the index.

O(t), t being the number of tokens.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');


Completely clears the index of its documents.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');

>>> 0


Tokenize the query using the relevant function, then retrieves the intersection of documents containing the resulting tokens.

O(t), t being the number of tokens.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');
index.add('The mouse eats cheese.');

>>> [
  'The cat eats the mouse.',
  'The mouse eats cheese.'

index.get('cat mouse');
>>> [
  'The cat eats the mouse.'


Iterates over the index by applying the callback to every stored document.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');
index.add('The mouse eats cheese.');

index.forEach((doc) => {


Returns an iterator over the index’s documents.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');
index.add('The mouse eats cheese.');

const iterator = index.documents();
>>> 'The cat eats the mouse.'


Returns an iterator over the index’s tokens.

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');
index.add('The mouse eats cheese.');

const iterator = index.tokens();
>>> 'The'


Alternatively, you can iterate over an index’s documents using ES2015 for...of protocol:

const index = new InvertedIndex(words);

index.add('The cat eats the mouse.');
index.add('The mouse eats cheese.');

for (const doc of index) {