data structures
for JavaScript

JavaScript devroom, FOSDEM 2019, Brussels

Why and how to implement efficient data structures to use with node.js or in the browser?

Who am I?

Guillaume Plique

alias Yomguithereal on both Github and Twitter.

Research engineer working for Sciences Po's médialab.

What's a data structure?

«Web development is not real development and is henceforth easier.»

Someone wrong on the Internet.

«Web development is trivial and web developers don't need fancy data structures or any solid knowledge in algorithmics.»

Someone also wrong (and pedant) on the Internet.

Don't we already have fully satisfying data structures in JavaScript?

  • Array ➡ lists of things
  • Object ➡ key-value associations
  • Map and Set with ES6

Why would we want other data structures in JavaScript?

Convenience and bookkeeping

A MultiSet

// How about changing this:
const counts = {};

for (const item in something) {
  if (!(item in counts))
    counts[item] = 0;

// Into this:
const counts = new MultiSet();

for (const item in something)

Complex structures: a Graph

Sure, you can "implement" graphs using only Array and Object™.


  • Lots of bookkeeping (multi-way indexation)
  • Wouldn't it be nice to have a legible interface?

Examples taken from the graphology library:

const graph = new Graph();

// Finding specific neighbors
const neighbors = graph.outNeighbors(node);

// Iterating over a node's edges
graph.forEachEdge(node, (edge, attributes) => {

Sometimes Arrays and Objects are not enough

More than just tacky website candy

  • We process data on the client nowadays.
  • Node.js became a thing.
  • Some algorithms cannot be efficiently implemented without custom data structures (Dijkstra or Inverted Index for full text search etc.).

The QuadTree


The QuadTree


What are the challenges?

Interpreted languages are far from the metal

No control over memory layout

No control over garbage collection

JIT & optimizing engines such as Gecko / V8

Benchmarking code accurately is not easy.

It does not mean we cannot be clever about it.

Implementation tips

Time & memory performance

Minimizing lookups

"Hashmap" lookups are costly.

// You made 2 lookups
Graph.prototype.getNodeAttribute = function(node, data) {
  if (this._nodes.has(node))
    throw Error(...);

  const data = this._nodes.get(node);

  return data[name];
// You made only one
Graph.prototype.getNodeAttribute = function(node, data) {
  const data = this._nodes.get(node);

  if (typeof data === 'undefined')
    throw Error(...);

  return data[name];
# Result, 100k items
Two lookups: 31.275ms
One lookup:  15.762ms

The engine is clever. But not that clever. (It improves frequently, though...)

The «let's code badly, the engine will clean up my mess» approach will not work.

Creating objects is costly

  • Avoid allocating objects.
  • Avoid /(?:re-)?creating/ regexes.
  • Avoid nesting functions whenever possible.
// BAD!
const test = x => /regex/.test(x);

// GOOD!
const REGEX = /regex/;
const test = x => REGEX.test(x);

function(array) {
  array.forEach(subarray => {

    // You just created one function per subarray!
    subarray.forEach(x => console.log(x));

Mixing types is bad

// Why do you do that?
// If you are this kind of person, can we meet?
// I really want to understand.
const array = [1, 'two', '3', /four/, {five: new Date()}];

The poor man's malloc

  • Byte arrays are fan-ta-stic.
  • Byte arrays are light.
  • You can simulate typed memory allocation: Uint8Array, Float32Array etc.

Implement your own pointer system!

And have your very own "C in JavaScript"™.

A linked list (with pointers):
head -> (a) -> (b) -> (c) -> ø
// Using object references as pointers
function LinkedListNode(value) { = null;
  this.value = value;
// Changing a pointer = otherNode;
A linked list (rolling our own pointers):
head     = 0
values   = [a, b, c]
next     = [1, 2, 0]
// Using byte arrays (capacity is fixed)
function LinkedList(capacity) {
  this.head = 0; = new Uint16Array(capacity);
  this.values = new Array(capacity);
// Changing a pointer;[nodeIndex] = otherNodeIndex;

Let's build a most efficient LRU Cache!

  • An object with maximum number of keys to save up some RAM.
  • If we add a new key and we are full, we drop the Least Recently Used one.
  • Useful to implement caches & memoization.
A ~doubly~ linked list:
head     = 0
tail     = 2
next     = [1, 2, 0]
prev     = [0, 1, 2]

Same as (with pointers):
head -> (a) <-> (b) <-> (c) <- tail

A map to pointers & values:
items  = {a: 0, b: 1, c: 2}
values = [a, b, c]
Bench here - I masked libraries which are not LRU per se.

Function calls are costly

Everything is costly. Life is harsh.

This means that rolling your own stack will always beat recursion.

// Recursive version - "easy"
function recurse(node, key) {
  if (key < node.value) {
    if (node.left)
      return recurse(node.left, key);

    return false;
  else if (key > node.value) {
    if (node.right)
      return recurse(node.right, key);

    return false;

  return true;
// Iterative version - more alien but faster, mileage may vary
function iterative(root, key) {
  const stack = [root];
  while (stack.length) {
    const node = stack.pop();
    if (key < node.value) {
      if (node.left)
    else if (key > node.value) {
      if (node.right)
    return true;
  return false;

What about wasm etc. ?

Lots of shiny options:

  1. asm.js
  2. WebAssembly
  3. Native code binding in Node.js

Communication between those and JavaScript has a cost that negates the benefit.

This is only viable if you have long running code or don't need the bridge between the layer and JavaScript.

Parting words

Yes, optimizing JavaScript is hard.

But it does not mean we cannot do it.

Most tips are applicable to every high-level languages.

But JavaScript has its very own kinks

The ByteArray tips absolutely don't work in python.

It's even slower if you use numpy arrays. (you need to go full native).

The gist

To be efficient your code must be statically interpretable.

If you do that:

  1. The engine will have no hard decisions to make
  2. And will safely choose the most aggressive optimization paths


Optimizing JavaScript = squinting a little and pretending really hard that:

  1. The language has static typing.
  2. That the language is low-level.

Associative arrays are the next frontier

For now, there is no way to beat JavaScript's objects and maps when doing key-value association.


So implement away!


Examples were taken from the following libraries:
