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Phonogram Test Page

Explanation of the alphabet:

This alphabet is a simplification over the IPA.


Letter Pronunciation & examples
a arriver, hasta
e mangé
ɛ marais
ø meute
i gladly, mari
o mot
ɔ bottes, Bateson
u trou, push
ʌ beurre, sir
y curieux
ã manger
õ maison


Letter Pronunciation & examples
j yield
w war
ɥ cuisiner
h how
ʊ frau


Letter Pronunciation & examples
b boring
p Peter
m mana
n nostrils
v victory
f full
d doris
t telephone
r rouelle
l little
s secrets
z zebra
θ Thatcher
ð therefore
g gorilla
k character, corée
ʃ shampoo
ʒ Gérard
x jota